Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

#100happydays update #3

I haven't doe one for a while but am almost half way through #100happydays check out #1 and #2 as well :)

Day 20

AFI lyrics - Listening to music on the way to work always cheers me up and today it was Miss Murder by AFI an awesome band that I have remained listening to since I was a teenager.

Day 21

I went on a date with a lovely blacksmith. He had remembered that I said I like pigs and made me this. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever as I am a sucker for handmade gifts. Sadly the gift outlasted the man but hey we will talk about my awful dating luck some other time ;)

Day 22

The tweet says it all I miss this American grrrrl she always makes me laugh.

Day 23

Simple pleasures at work a cup of tea and some biscuits. Who doesn't love tea. I obviously like biscuits too much. This mug also makes me smile.

Day 24

Evening sushi with my wifey. Happy because I love sushi and catching up with my lovely mate who I do not get to see nearly enough.

Day 25

This picture is hilarious to a handful of people who were at this epic breakfast when we were just 15. This represents that I went out for catch up drinks with my lovely friend Rachel and she brought this out. I couldn't stop laughing as these days hold so many funny house party memories for us.

Day 26

Staying at my folks house and getting breakfast in bed. MMM crumpets. what do you call them? How do you have yours?

Day 27

Spending the day with my Mama charity shopping and buying these cute things. I am a little addicted to buying dodgy ornaments as it reminds me of my Nana.

Day 28

Watching Wales play rugby with my dad and the king of kicks Mr Leigh Halfpenny himself. What a player and proper cute too. I love watching the rugby especially when Wales are playing <3

Day 29

I am a bit of a sucker for these positive messages and really do believe that if we surround ourselves by them and remind ourselves that we are amazing then our self love journey will be a lot more successful. That goes for you lot too!
Day 30

I was feeling mega cute in my new cat tshirt and ears rocking 90s buns so it put a big smile on my face to be a super 90s cat lady. Sounds like some kind of superhero.

Day 31
Even thought I found out they are actors I still think this is beautiful

What makes you happy? Find one thing that makes you happy today and let me know what it is!


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