I am still working hard to get 100 books read this year but have found reading difficult during lockdown. The irony of having all the time on your hands that you have always wanted to fill with reading; only to not be able to focus on more than a page at a time. So I am only about 26/100 in at the moment but I will get there. If you want to follow my progress you can friend me on Goodreads. Also please note the book links are affiliate because grrrl gotta make some pennies and if you love the sound of the book then I’d appreciate the support.
Thor goddess of thunder - Volume One
I am still on the female superhero binge and I adore Thor Vol. 1: The Goddess Of Thunder (Thor (2014-2015))
. I didn’t expect to like her so much but she was really funny with lots of one liners and she wasn’t afraid to show her feminist edge. I’ve always been a fan of Thor so to see this represented in female form is awesome. I think what I’m enjoying about the Marvel superhero’s is seeing how vulnerable and real they come across despite being hero’s. I am looking forward to seeing her kick some ass and find out more about her!
I had seen that Izombie TP Vol 01 Dead To The World
has been adapted into a series so thought before I checked it out I wanted to read the graphic novel! Gwen is a grave digger by trade but her secret is she’s a zombie! To keep on track she needs to eat brains but only once a month and it comes with side effects. Gwen becomes consumed with the person's thoughts and feels compelled to fill out their last request. A crime, Zombie and monster comic all in one and it’s really funny too! She’s also best friends with a ghost and a werewolf with a difference. I can’t wait to read more of their adventures.
If you’re from the U.K. then chances are you read the amazing “To kill a mockingbird” in school and there is a sequel Go Set a Watchman: Harper Lee's sensational lost novel
. The book is set years later when “Scout” returns from college the civil rights movement is going on and it’s about her struggle to understand some home truths about her family. It’s a good read but not at all what I expected. We still hear from some of the characters from the first book but it’s not as hard hitting as the first. To be honest I will go back to not knowing it really existed as it really wasn’t for me. I felt like characters who you loved from the first were tarnished and I guess that’s a representation of growing from a child to an adult and realising that nobody is perfect but I just didn’t like it. Perhaps that is what the author wanted. If you loved this book I would love to have a chat with you as I love talking books.
I had been wanting to read this book forever, I saw that the library had The Power: WINNER OF THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION and I just had to grab it.
Suddenly all over the world girls are developing an electric power and fighting back in their oppressed lives. From girls who live in parts of the world that are male lead to girls who have been abused. They rise up and it scares the hell out of the world. I love a book that chapter to chapter shows different characters prospective sans this does that. However I am not a huge fan of third person story telling I think it feels like a disconnect so would have loved to have read it like diary entries or mixed media. Still an awesome book that is worth checking out and flying that feminist flag.
My step son really enjoys David Walliams books so I thought I would grab one and see just what he is reading. Plus I have a secret love of children’s books because that’s where my love of reading came from. Ratburger
was packed with action, had a twisted tale and some pretty gross characters. However I’m so over the evil step mom and every bad character being fat. Step parents already get a bad reputation as it is so I would love to read more books where they are accepting and loving. I will check out another to see if I get on with it a bit more.
Reasons To Stay Alive
Mental health is something we should all be talking about and in this book Reasons to Stay Alive
Matt Haig does just that. This is an honest and raw read of his experience and his turning point to move forward. I found this an inspiring read that everyone needs to have in their to be read list.As with all such personal experiences it is from one perspective so there are bits about not having been in medication and everyone is individual and have varied experiences. I loved how open Haig has been and without a doubt opening up and talking has already touched so many lives.
Mental health is something we should all be talking about and in this book Reasons to Stay Alive
Pagan Portals - runes
I am fascinated with Wicca and pagan rituals and adore reading tarot for direction and intention setting. This was another library find and I had always wanted to learn about runes which were well used by the Norse people. Pagan Portals - Runes
is really detailed it gives the history of runes, what each rune symbolises and even how to make your own runes. Of course you also learn how to read your runes in a number of ways. I love the idea of going on long walks in woods and on beaches looking for beautiful small round stones to make some runes from. It makes walks more fun and is a great way to enjoy nature as well. Wicca and pagan rituals despite what most may think are actually deeply rooted in respecting and loving nature.
I am fascinated with Wicca and pagan rituals and adore reading tarot for direction and intention setting. This was another library find and I had always wanted to learn about runes which were well used by the Norse people. Pagan Portals - Runes
The Cows : The Bold, Brilliant and Hilarious Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller
By the brilliant Dawn O’ Porter had me gripped. I could not put this book down a book about women and the pressures they are put on by society and themselves. It is also bat shit crazy some insane thing happen which make you look back at the page like “Woah, did that just happen?”. It’s not the usual kind of book I would have picked up but as I love Dawn O’ Porters journalism I waned to give it a read and now I want to read everything she writes. I urge you to read this you will be laughing, and on the edge of your seat.
The True history Of The Kelly Gang
True History of the Kelly Gang
I mentioned recently in my May favourites post how much I enjoyed this book. I think I enjoyed it more as I consumed it as an audio book and the actor reading it was really passionate and engaging. The history of the Kelly gang is so interesting and hearing Ned’s prospective of how events unfolded shows you how unjust the law could be. This was a long listen but really worth it.
True History of the Kelly Gang
What have you been reading lately? Have you read any of these books if not which would you like to?
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you sure have a selextion of intersting books here - and it is so refreshing to see something different. I shared your post undere fire quill publishers - Carlyle - Thank you for part of my cover reveal tour! #madlove