Tips for Staying Safe at Concerts and Other Live Music Events

Hey Cats,

There’s nothing quite like the atmosphere at a live music concert. They can be an awesome
experience. Being able to listen to a band or performer raw and in the flesh is amazing. It can be a
very moving experience. However, such public events do mean you need to take extra precautions.

Things you need in your dorm room at college / university

Hey Cats

Chances are you are already in your new dorm or at least well on your way for next year. It can be a super exciting time and for most of you will be your first time moving away from home. Half the fun of a first time away from home is to get it cosy so you can relax and focus on your studi…

3 steps to being a little more ethical

Hey Cats

There are lots of ways you can bring ethical steps into your daily routine. Nobody can be a ethical icon overnight and lets face it sometimes it can be really hard to stick to plan all the time. Sometimes we want to recycle but there is nowhere near to do so or we want to give to charity bu…

Get The Most When Booking A Holiday This Autumn

Hey Cats,

You may think holiday season is over and it is purely time to start panic buying Christmas but you would be wrong. This is a great time of year to check out some new places around the world and flights can be a lot cheaper outside of school holidays. If you have children then this can be …

A 30 somethings ideal wedding

Hey Cats,

So they say that girls have weddings planned out from a super young age but if you asked 5 year old me boys were gross I was going to be Jem and never get married. Fast forward thirty years and here I am engaged and thinking about where I would like to get married. I think when I was a te…

Four Steps to Overcome Addiction for a Better You

Hey Cats

Nearly every single one of us is addicted to something. Whether that is something traditionally dangerous, like a drug or alcohol addiction, or something less directly harmful such as an addiction to shopping or exercise depends on the person. In some cases, your addition might actually be …

4 ways to improve your email newsletter form

Hey Cats
An important tool as a blogger now is to introduce a email newsletter. It is a fantastic way to update your readers on an overview of posts they may have missed, run competitions and just make sure you generate lots of interest to keep driving that traffic to your blog. Making sure people …

Do Men And Women Look At First Dates Differently?

Hey Cats,

We all get those first date jitters and the worry if our date shares pour dating etiquette. Like who should pay and where to go? The truth is there are no real rules when it comes to dating just unwritten things we all do or have come to expect from each other. Ferratum already did did so…
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