3 Ways to Keep The Connection in Your Relationship Alive

3 Ways to Keep The Connection in Your Relationship Alive In this day and age, your relationship has to withstand so many things. Some include addictive technology, busy schedules, and overwhelming daily responsibilities. Trying to remain connected to your partner in the midst of these things can se…

Call The Doctor Mr!

Hey Cats,
Being British and having a stiff upper lip can have a big downfall on the community we are kind of brought up taught not to complain and bother people too much unless it's over a brew or on the telly. This filters into society in so many ways but a big factor it plays on is teaching men…

Planning a Stress-Free House Move

If you plan to move house soon, then spring is a really lovely time to do so. However, listed behind the death of a loved one and divorce, it is one of life’s most stressful life events. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be. It can be an overwhelming experience if you haven’t planned it …

Job Hunting 101: Securing The Interview

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It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been out of work for a while or you are looking to jump up onto the next rung of the career ladder, mastering the art of job hunting can seem like a minefield. You aren’t sure of the approach to take, you don’t know how best to prepare for an interview a…

Films Every Movie Lover Should See

If you are a fan of the movies and of TV in general there are probably thousands of titles you wish you see in your lifetime. For the real movie buff there is nothing more satisfying than being able to switch the lights off in your living room, open up a bag of popcorn and have your volume up …
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