Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

#FridayFright - The Woman Film Review

Hey Fiends,

Time to grab a gruesome bowl of treats and kick back with another horrifying flick.

If you haven't already joined the fun on Facebook Mr Kaos has a fright club you can all be a part of at Foxys Fright Club. Come and talk horror, share theories and find new films to watch with us. New films are posted daily! 

Sometimes a sequel outshines the original and just stands alone making a statement. The Woman for me was one of those films. Following on from Offspring where a savage clan hidden in a cave steal local babies and kill off the town The Woman definitely flips who the savages really are.

Based on books by Jack Ketchum and released as part of the Bloody Disgusting Selects. Unlike most follow ups you don't have to worry about watching Offspring first and in fact it gives it a whole new dimension if you look at it without theorising them together, A middle class white suburban family man hides a dark secret. Literally keeping a woman chained up in the bid to reform her to the ways of what he deems to be the correct values in this modern day.

A huge theme for the film is control and submission not just between 'the woman' and the father (Chris) but also on the control Chris has over his whole family dynamic. There is a clear divide in this family for a man and a woman's place which has lead to many suggesting the film has feminist undertones. If every time a woman stands up for herself it makes her a feminist then sure I can agree with that but personally don't think it will be shown at any women's rights rally's any time soon.

The story is much darker than a kidnapping with a family that has its own worries to deal with before trying to reform a 'savage' woman. These darker secrets unravel through the film making you question those who seem to live an all American perfect life. 

A dark, twisted tale that will have you squirming and just waiting to see if she breaks free. A 7/10 from us over at Foxys fright club!

What did you think of The Woman?



  1. I don't watch horror films or anything scary, my husband despairs of me at times but they do scare me. He loves them though and has to watch them when I am not about x

  2. Sounds good! I don't tend to watch many horrors because I'm not easily scared by them but this one sounds good! I'll have to give it a try!

  3. I'm pretty sure I have seen this - trying to remember now, if it was this exact film or something with the same sort of theme. I am awful with names.

  4. This sounds good as not seen this one before and do love my horror films.

  5. Not seen horror movies in ages. I will look this up.

  6. I love watching horror films but I'm surprised that I haven't heard of this one before! xxx

  7. I am such a wuss when it comes to horror films, I just avoid them completely. Glad you enjoyed it though

  8. Sounds horrible haha! I don't 'do' horrors. They're more the hubbys thing. He'll be shocked whenni recommend him this film ha!

  9. I am rush with horror films! such a wuss.

  10. Sounds too intense for me, I like something a bit more light hearted:-)

  11. I do like horror films although they do scare the life out of me.

  12. I don't like horror movies I am a scardy cat.


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