Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

#everyBodyflawless Video

If you haven't seen this amazing video that is going around at the moment then you are in luck! Check out #everyBODYisflawless a body confident and positive music video. Something the music industry needs a lot more of.

#everyBODYisflawless from gabifresh on Vimeo.

Featuring the ever beautiful Tess Munster, The feisty Nadia Aboulhosn Made by the talented Gabi Fresh putting out a big message to the world to understand that everybody can be beautiful and have confidence at any size.

The body confidence movement is on the rise helping girls all over the world feel beautiful. With #effyourbeautystandards and #honoryourcurves paving the way for more growing body and self love movements. It is beautiful to see both males and females of all ages around the world grow in confidence. All over blogs, and social media I am witnessing beautiful individuals realise that they can love themselves just as they are without having to give into the pressures of society. So many of us are down trodden by the hateful words not only from strangers but also from the ones we love. The body confidence movement can only get stronger and even with all the hate that is going around attacking beautiful strong inspirational bloggers out there we can combat that with the love and support from each other.

What do you think of the video? 


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