First day in Turkey and we didn't have to meet with the host until 1pm. We so needed the rest too! Who knew travelling could be so tiring? We all got up for breakfast which is an open buffet with a chef that cooks omelettes and so much amazing food to choose from. I have been to Turkey before to Altinkum last year and so the Turkish Breakfast was no surprise to me. For those who don't know a traditional Turkish breakfast is boiled egg, olives, cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, meat, bread and honey. It is so filling though! This buffet had a lot more to offer but some of the participants didn't seem too happy which was a shame.
The teams got together and planned out their documentaries. Team leaders took charge and ideas were put together of different places they would like to go. One team have decided to focus on 'Life in Cappodocia' which will talk about the locals and how life is. The other team wanted to find out the impact tourism has had on the city. They are eager to find out about charities in the city and how their work differs from the work we have in the UK. All teams are eager to get started. I am really impressed with the groups ideas and how quickly and easily they work together.
Later in the afternoon we ate with our host we had some traditional Turkish food which was like a bread filled with cheese and egg. The host had bought us a whole plate each and it was so much that nobody could eat it all. Tummies full we plodded to the meeting room to see a presentation about the company. Our host company is..... they are an educational company who often deal with exchanges. Tuncay had even hosted a team of participants for a month on a boat. Now that sounds interesting I think I would get sea sick! After hearing about them me and my lead volunteer let them know all about the brilliant work Ulfah do and how we could connect as a company and build a strong partnership.
The team played some team building games and then to get to know the city better we had a list of things to find dotted around the city. I joined one of the teams and we went on the hunt for random things like a taxi driver with a moustache (everyone seems to have them here), a boy in a green shirt, women in Turkish clothes and various buildings. This was an awesome idea for getting to know the city as now everyone will know their way around and be able to wander to the shop without getting lost. My team lost but we really won because we got the most amazing cake. The cakes here are crazy they are like works of art.
We ate dinner in the hotel with the host and prepared for the next busy day ahead. So far the city is really exciting. The town centre looks small, there are lots of food shops and randomly I managed to buy a kettle. Everyone is shocked to see tourists as it isn't a place that is over run with them like some other places in Turkey. One lady was so sweet she went out of her way to help us find an exchange place. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings. We had a team meeting and everyone was given their expenses lets hope they hold onto them for the balloon ride.
Nevşehir/Nevşehir Province, Turkey
19 Nov 13
Cappodocia .
filming .
Nevshir .
project manager .
Travel .
Turkey .
ulfah arts .
youth work .
ytv .
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