Hey Love bugs,
When it comes to dating everyone looks for something different in a person. If you’re like me then ultimately you want someone who will be your best friend as well as your lover and that means looking for love that has some shared interests with you! My Mr loves a lot of similar music to me and also we swap books all the time. Another great thing we love to do together is game! Sharing your love of gaming with a partner can be so much fun. We both get nostalgic and play some classics like Donkey Kong and discover new games together. Equally we both get it when the other puts in some serious hours on a game on their own too!
Gaming can be a real niche in the dating world. Most people have some kind of console but don’t get when their partner gets hooked on that game. Some people just don’t get it, so if you want to find a serious gamer to become your player two perhaps try a specialist dating site like gamer dating app great for gamer girl dating. Using a more tailored dating site will hopefully mean you will be able to meet fellow serious gamers. You can chat about your favourite characters, maybe even play a few games together and even if romance doesn't level up you may have discovered a new game.
Some real pros to dating a gamer mean that they will always be up for a cosy night in with comfort food. One of our most loved date nights is to order a takeaway, have a few drinks , put on the nostalgia glasses and try and beat the remake of Crash Bandacoot after 20 years. Recently we completed Red Dead Redemption 2 together and we looked forward to playing together every day. For film buffs like us we really get into games with a story where you can explore and it’s so much more fun when you share that with someone. The best bit about playing games with a partner is you both have different strengths so you can tackle all the tricky bits between you. Just like when it comes to bumps in a relationship if you can build that team bond up early through your love of games then you can win at dating too.
When playing games together it’s all about communication and if you can build up great communication with your partner then it will be easier to talk when problems come up. Communication problems can be the biggest killer in any relationship. Most people think gamers are anti social but we all know we love to nerd out chatting over headphones to our mates or shopping for cool collectibles. Plus if you date a gamer then your collection is going to double!! Who wouldn’t love that? With modern day gaming being so popular, who says a first date can't be over a game of Among Us instead of a coffee.
Do you love gaming? Have you ever tried gaming dating sites? Met your love online? Tell me all about it in the comments below ❤️
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