Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

#MoneySavingMonday #2 The Wishlist

This spending ban is still sort of easy for me because pay day hasn't hit just yet. That is when it will get hard. So second week of spending ban and pay day looms on Friday. What do you do when you are on a spending ban? Dream of all the things you want to buy it would seem! It is like when you go on a diet and all you can think about is food!

First up on my wishlist is this pretty dress by Hell Bunny. I am a big fan of 50s style dresses they always make me feel beautiful. This zombie pin-up print rocks my horror world and makes me want to join their crew. At £45 it can stay on my wish list for a little while unless you all want to chip in and buy it for me.

My heart literally stopped when I saw this next item on my wishlist. I am so in love with this cardigan. Bride of Frankenstein and the monster <3 Pure love packaged in a cardigan. Again this one is from Hell bunny. I just love the super cute bat detail on the sleeves. I think they do it in green too which I think I may live even more.

This one isn't Hell Bunny all the way from across the pond Candy strike are calling me with roach dresses and even more important Wanda! You already know my love for cry baby so this Tshirt is so hard on my want list right now.  How hot do these ladies look?
Picture from Candy Strike website
Last but not least this skirt is just amazing. I know someone made this so if I ever find material like this then I will somehow work out how to make this skirt and most likely live in it almost every day. I have a bit of a love for catholic art. I think Frida would be proud of this skirt choice also.

With my wishlist being a little bit impossible I don't feel so bad that I am not spending this month because it reminds me that I really should just save for the things I really want.

Check out the other lovely ladies over at


  1. I know the struggle of a spending ban all too well! My payday rolls around this Friday as well and I'm super excited to get some lovely things. You have such a great eye! I love that zombie dress and cardi. I'm way into 50s pinup style fashion too!

    1. I am possibly going to end up breaking it as there is a vintage fare in Matlock that me and the boy are going to so the temptation may be strong there xx

  2. I have seen lots of bloggers go on spending bans, I think need to try one.


    1. It really helps you look at what you already have without going out and buying more x

  3. I'm on a spending ban too! It's really hard but I know it will be worth it when my bank account looks reasonable for a change! :) I have way too much stuff anyway so it's not like I need anything, I just get the urge to spend & usually give in!

    L x

    1. The ban only includes clothes and beauty thank fully I had to buy my bfs birthday pressie and my lil bro turns 21 eek but it has made me notice I just spend like crazy on nothing x


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