My first impressions of Colombo were not good. We left sandy beaches of Galle and Matara to a dirty packed city. The number of beggars increased dramatically even knocking on car windows. I could see lots of shops and everyone seemed too busy all the time compared to the laid back Sri Lanka I had seen so far. Colombo does have a beach and our hotel was right by it but we didn't have time to visit this one. The hotel however was the best yet. A more modern feel with a huge shower. The staff were all really friendly. There is a gym and a rooftop pool and bar with an amazing view so if you do go to Colombo I highly recommend this hotel.
With the reunion we had the hugs, smiles and sheer excitement to see each other you would think that everyone had known each other for years. We all had to give presentations about our community visits. We learnt about rain forest, working with children with disabilities, and the forum theatre. Everyone had gained a wealth of knowledge and was so excited to share what they has learnt. As we had learnt about forum theatre we put on a show for everyone. Sadly the press missed the show but we still ended up in a local paper. I was so fascinated with all the visits and only wish I could have shared those experiences first hand with all the different people surrounding me. They loved the Forum theatre and really joined in. We filmed it so I will save that for a future post.
All the learning we had gathered we worked together in teams to encourage each other how we would bring this forward and put it into our own social action projects. I have learnt so much from this trip about culture, people, other countries and how with belief and passion so many great things can be done all around the world.
Colombo, Sri Lanka
17 Jan 14
Active Citizens .
British Council .
Colombo .
Friends .
Hotel Ranuka .
Lifestyle .
Sri Lanka .
TeamYtv .
Travel .
traveling .
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