Shop Your Stash :)

So many times us bloggers feel pressured to buy new things to tell the lovely world about which can be an expensive game The beautiful Hollie over at Pretty Big Butterflies came up with this awesome challenge.

Welcome to the Shop Your Stash Challenge. This is all about finding a gem in what you already own and creating a blog post on it. This is to let go a little of the stress that comes with being a blogger - even if it is just once a month. Rummage through your beauty products and climb through those clothes draws. You might surprise yourself!

It is spring so I have been spring cleaning and having a massive clear out. I really want to go to Boomtown fair festival in the summer and pennies are short. This bloggers challenge had me hunting through my wardrobe and realising that I had way too many things I never wear. This is what I found 

A huge pile of dresses, jeans and even a onesie that go unworn mostly due to being to small for me :( So what better way to get some cash by listing them all on ebay. (misskittykaos).  Even though writing out the listing is the most boring thing in the world! Although what I gained most from this challenge this month is that it is so important to appreciate what you already have I found plenty of great stuff I can review in future posts and I look forward to telling you all about it 

Have you had a declutter lately? what did you find? A big happy Easter everyone.


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